Learn What is Linux Beginners Guide

What is Linux, Full Form, and Basic Commands | SeekaHost

What is Linux?

Linux is an open-source operating system that was developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991, Linux Full Form stands as Lovable Intellect Not Using XP. Linux is a much more affordable OS than Windows, because its open wide environment.


Uses of Linux

Linux is the operating system used for desktop computing to use at database servers, file servers, mail servers, and any other type of servers, and even computing in Space Station uses Linux.

Features of the Linux that separate it from Windows:

• The Difference between windows and Linux is mainly by their availability and the cost.
• Linux is an open source available to use by anyone.
• It is based on Command line Interface to compute.
• Its command line environment provides more security features like password protection, file encryption, and data encryption.
• It’s a Multi-User interface, you can create a user and use it with others.
• Other than windows it’s widely used for security operations, hacking, and penetration testing in servers and web applications even a mobile application android is based on the Linux OS.
• There is no standard version for Linux like Windows.

For using Linux, you just need to learn the basic commands to work on its platform.

There is various certification available to learn Linux from a basic to a Server level administration.

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Why you should learn Linux?

In the digital world if you’re seeking a job there are wide and huge openings always available for Linux, even from the banking sector to highly reupdated organizations use Linux because of its secure environment. Every device that communicates with the networks or is based on a Linux kernel.

There is various course to learn Linux, I recommend that the best certification is RHEL Certification (Red Hat Enterprise Linux)

Who is Red Hat?

Red Had is an organization who involves in the Development of Linux platforms for Business users, there are many software works on Linux that is developed by Red Hat Enterprise Linux all the Major Linux OS Distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, and Fedora, all run the Red Hat’s Gnome developed components.

The Best certification for Linux is to get trained with the Red Hat Enterprise Linux, they provide the training and exams for Linux to provide knowledge about Linux from the Basic level to the advanced professional level.


Basic Linux Commands

I will share below some of the basic commands for using Linux that is very useful for beginners to work on Linux,

1. Add, Delete User commands:

You all know Linux is a multi-user interface, so you can create a user by useradd (name of the user)command to create a new user and passwd to add a password to that user’s account. i.e., If you want to add a user named Karl, the command should be,

useradd Karl and passwd 687543210

To remove the user is as simple, simply use the command userdel with the username i.e., userdel Karl

2. ls Command:

The ls command lists or views the contents or files of a current directory. If you want to view the other directories, enter the command ls /name of directories i.e. if you want to view the home directory the command ls /home

3. mkdir command:

To create a new directory use the command mkdir i.e., to make a new directory named Picture then the command be mkdir Picture once the command is executed it will create a directory named Picture you can check them by ls command. And to remove the empty directory, simply execute the command rmdir Picture to remove the directory.

4. cd command:

To navigate through the Linux files and directories you can use the cd command i.e., if you are working in (your current working directory /home/Karl/image) directory named Image and you want to navigate to the directory music cd /home/Karl /music

5. touch command:

To create a file the touch command is used, if you are going to create a file named .html under the image directory then the command should be touch /home/username/image/text.html

6. rm command

The rm command is used to delete directories and the contents within them. If you only want to delete the directory — as an alternative to rmdir — use rm -r to remove a directory recursively

7. df -h command:

To view the disk usage command line df -h you can view the usage of the disk-like My Computer in Windows

8. chmod command:

To change the read, write and execute permissions of the files and folders chmod command is used.

9. cp command:

To copy files from one directory to another directory for example if you want to move a file named X.txt to Y.txt file then the command line is cp X.txt Y.txt once the command is executed, you can check that on by ls command.

10. tar command:

tar command is used to archive multiple files into a common Linux file format.

11. Kill command:

To stop unresponsive programs or other running programs the kill command is used. It will terminate the process running. Check whether the program running is needed to be saved or not before using the kill command.

12. wget command:

wget command is used to download the files from the internet, by simply providing the wget command followed by a link of the thing you want to download.

13. Find command:

To search for files and directories find command is used. If you need a file in the home directory named music.txt then the command is, find /home/ -name music.txt

14. ip addr show command:

To view the IP addresses and the network interfaces ip addr show command is used. Basically, used to check the network configurations.

15. chown command:

To change the ownership of the file to a certain user the chown command is used, if you want to change the ownership of the file to another user  Y, then the command is chown Y helo.txt will change the ownership of the file to user Y.

ALSO READ: How To Remove Directory in Linux? Delete Folder and Files