domain cost per year in india

How much does a domain cost per year in India? | Latest Price

In today’s digital age, establishing an online presence is crucial for businesses and individuals alike. One of the first steps in building a successful website is securing a domain name. In India, the cost of a domain name can vary depending on several factors, including the chosen top-level domain (TLD), domain registrars, and promotional offers.

SeekaHost India, a prominent domain registrar, recognizes the importance of affordability and provides competitive prices for a wide range of TLDs. In this article, we will delve into the domain pricing landscape in India and explore SeekaHost India’s affordable rates for various TLDs.

Understanding Domain Pricing in India:

The cost of a domain name in SeekaHost India starts at just ₹247.20 and is influenced by multiple factors, including the TLD, domain registrar, and promotions. It is essential to understand these factors to make informed decisions when acquiring a domain name. SeekaHost India aims to provide affordable domain registration services to cater to the diverse needs of individuals and businesses in the Indian market.

SeekaHost India Pricing for Top-Level Domains (TLDs):

SeekaHost India has established itself as a reliable and customer-oriented domain registrar in the Indian market. Let’s take a closer look at the domain pricing for some popular TLDs offered by SeekaHost India,

.store – ₹247.20 (94% off)

The cheapest domain name in India with a 94% offer starts at just ₹247.20 per year. You can register a .store domain and start your business online with ease.

.in – ₹479 (49% off)

SeekaHost India offers the .in domain cost per year at an attractive price of ₹479, which includes a substantial discount of 49%. This TLD is perfect for businesses and individuals targeting the Indian market, emphasizing a strong local presence.

.com – ₹639.20 (34% off)

SeekaHost India provides the highly recognized .com domain price per year at ₹639.20, incorporating a discount of 34%. The .com TLD is globally renowned and appeals to businesses with international aspirations, offering a professional and credible online identity.

.net – ₹799.20 (30% off)

You can register a .net domain cost per year at an affordable price of ₹799.20 at SeekaHost India, featuring a significant discount of 30%. The .net TLD is commonly associated with technology, networking, and internet-related ventures, making it an ideal choice for tech-focused businesses. – ₹456 (23% off)

Make your online presence with domain cost per year at ₹456, providing a discount of 23%. The TLD is highly popular among Indian businesses, representing a local presence and establishing credibility within the Indian market.

Offers and Additional Services:

Com Domain Name Registration

SeekaHost India frequently provides offers and discounts to make domain registration even more cost-effective. By keeping an eye on our website, customers can stay updated on ongoing promotions, ensuring they secure their desired domain at the best possible price.

In addition to domain registration, SeekaHost India offers a range of complementary services to enhance the domain management experience. These services include domain transfers, domain privacy protection, DNS management, Web Hosting services, and round-the-clock customer support. SeekaHost India aims to provide a seamless and comprehensive solution for all domain-related needs, ensuring customers have a hassle-free experience.

Factors Influencing Domain Pricing:

When it comes to establishing an online presence, securing the right domain name is crucial. However, the cost of a domain name can vary significantly based on several factors. In this article, we will explore the key elements that determine the price of a domain name.

    1. Domain Registrar Fees:

Domain registrar fees play a significant role in determining the cost of a domain name. Registrars are organizations authorized to sell and manage domain names on behalf of domain registries. Each registrar has its own pricing structure, which can vary depending on factors such as the level of service provided, additional features, and the registrar’s reputation and popularity. It’s important to compare prices among different registrars to find the best deal for your desired domain.

    1. Top-Level Domain (TLD) Pricing:

The top-level domain is the extension that appears at the end of a domain name, such as .com, .org, or .net. The pricing for different TLDs can vary significantly. Some Lists of TLDs are more popular and in higher demand than others, leading to higher prices. For example, .com domains are generally more expensive due to their widespread usage and recognition. On the other hand, country-specific TLDs (ccTLDs) like .us or may have different pricing structures based on the particular country’s regulations and market conditions.

    1. Domain Privacy Protection:

Domain privacy protection is an essential feature that helps to keep your personal information confidential. When you register a domain, your contact details, including your name, address, email, and phone number, are stored in a publicly accessible database called WHOIS. Domain privacy protection replaces this sensitive information with generic details, preventing it from being easily accessible by spammers, marketers, or anyone with malicious intent. However, this additional layer of privacy comes at an extra cost, which can vary depending on the registrar and the level of protection offered.

    1. Domain Length and Popularity:

The length and popularity of a domain name can also influence its price. Short, memorable domain names are highly sought after and often command a higher price. They are generally more valuable because they are easier to remember and have a higher chance of driving traffic and boosting brand recognition. Conversely, longer domain names or those containing hyphens or numbers may be less desirable and, therefore, more affordable.

    1. Premium Domains:

Premium domains are highly valuable domain names that are already registered by someone else and are being resold. These domains often consist of popular keywords, generic terms, or brandable names. The prices for premium domains can be significantly higher than regular domain names due to their inherent value. Premium domain prices are determined by factors such as domain length, keyword popularity, brand ability, and market demand.

    1. Renewal Fees and Discounts:

While the initial cost of registering a domain name is important, it’s essential to consider the long-term expenses as well. Domain names require regular renewal, usually on an annual basis, and registrars may charge different renewal fees. Some registrars offer discounted rates for the first year but increase the renewal fees thereafter. Therefore, it’s crucial to carefully review the renewal pricing to avoid unexpected costs in the future.

Why SeekaHost India?

By choosing SeekaHost India as your domain registrar, you not only benefit from competitive pricing but also gain access to a host of additional services that enhance your domain management experience. Whether you need to transfer your existing domain, protect your privacy, manage your DNS settings, or require round-the-clock customer support, SeekaHost India has you covered.


In conclusion, the cost of a domain name in India varies depending on factors such as the chosen TLD, domain registrar, and ongoing promotions. SeekaHost India stands out as a reliable and customer-oriented domain registrar, offering affordable prices for a variety of TLDs. With their competitive pricing, promotional offers, and additional services, SeekaHost India provides individuals and businesses in India with a cost-effective solution to establish their online presence. Choose SeekaHost India as your domain registrar to secure your desired domain at an affordable price and embark on your digital journey with confidence.