How to Transfer a Domain to SeekaHost India? Step By Step Guide

By Arshath | August 2, 2024
Choosing the right registrar is as important as the right domain. You can have the domain owned with any registrar but you can transfer a domain to SeekaHost India considering factors such as price, user experience, support, etc. If you want to transfer a domain to SeekaHost India now, this article is for you which helps you with the step-by-step process.
You can use the domain registered with SeekaHost India by updating the name servers and connecting with the web hosting or any service you have.
What is a Domain Transfer?
Domain transfer is the process of moving the domain from one registrar to another registrar for various reasons. Once the domain is transferred, your new registrar will maintain the domain service and you can manage the DNS settings there.
Things to do to Initiate Domain transfer
Login To Old Registrar:
1. Go to the Domain section and choose the domain you want to transfer.
2. Disable Transfer Lock or Domain Lock and remove the ID protection.
3. Get Authorization or EPP code or IPS Tag (in case of .uk related secondary level TLD) from your old registrar.
4. Check with the old Domain registrar that your domain is eligible for transfer.
5. Renew your domain in the old registrar if past the expiration date.
6. Disable DNSSEC if enabled.
Important Factors Considering Before Transfer a Domain:
1. Confirm your domain is not a premium domain.
2. Confirm your domain hasn’t been registered or transferred and no changes in WHOIS Registrant contact information in the past 60 days.
3. If a domain expires and is renewed during the grace period and then transferred between registrars within 45 days of being renewed, no additional year will be added.
NOTE: You would need to wait 45 days after the renewal before transferring for the expiration date to update with an additional one year.
Important Factors Considering While Transfer a Domain:
1. Create an account with your new registrar and ensure you provided the correct contact information.
2. Don’t update the nameserver or DNS records while the transfer is in progress. You can only update after the transfer is completed.
3. Cancel your previous service.
4. Once the transfer is initiated, wait for 24 hours to 7 days maximum based on TLD policy and the previous domain registrar’s fast process.
Steps to Transfer a Domain to SeekaHost India:
Login To New Registrar (SeekaHost):
1. Visit SeekaHost.in and click “Transfer a Domain” to enter the domain name.
2. Enter the Domain name and click ‘Transfer‘.
3. Update the Authorization or EPP code got from old registrar. Click ‘Confirm‘.
4. Enable the DNS management option to manage the DNS records for the domain.
5. Confirm the nameservers and click ‘continue‘.
6. Under Billing Details, click ‘Create a New Account‘ if you are new user. Update the same contact information which was given in your domain whois contact information.
7. Choose the Payment Method and click ‘Checkout‘ to complete the payment process.
8. Check the Transfer Status in the Domain section. ‘Pending Transfer‘ tells that the domain transfer has been initiated from our end.
Additional Notes:
1. First Transfer Approve mail will be sent to you by us and Second Transfer Approve mail will be sent by the old registrar.
2. If domain transfer is not approved by you within 5 days, the transfer might be cancelled or approved automatically based on the registry.
3. You need to approve the second transfer approve mail within 5 days received from the old registrar.
4. Check your Email account for the Domain Transfer approval link in the mail (Inbox, Spam/junk folder).
5. For the domain transfer to be completed, it might take minimum 24 hours to 7 days from the date you have processed the payments at SeekaHost (Destination Registrar).
Instructions about Nameservers and DNS Record:
1. Your website will not face any downtime if domain is pointed to hosting custom or private nameservers.
2. If your domain uses system DNS and updated with DNS records (mail record, TXT and CNAME), old registrar will delete the domain from their DNS zone shortly after the transfer completes.
Learn more about Domain: