How to Check Bandwidth Usage in cPanel?

By Arshath | September 20, 2024
Bandwidth denotes the volume of data that is transferred from the server to the user during a set period. You can now analyze bandwidth usage through the cPanel of the website without paying for any third-party tool for your website.
How to know whether your website Bandwidth was exceeded or not?
When you load the website, it will show the status codes/messages as below that indicate that bandwidth got exceeded.
1. 509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
2. Bandwidth limit exceed
Find Bandwidth Consumption in cPanel using statistics
1. Check Allocated Bandwidth:
Let’s get into the topic to see bandwidth consumption in cPanel using statistics.
1. Log into your cPanel.
2. Check the statistics in the right-side corner.
The ‘Bandwidth‘ feature showcases your bandwidth consumption for the ongoing month
If the Bandwidth usage percentage was more than 100% or more, then it is a obvious signal that bandwidth is exceeded and your site is down with the mentioned error.
2. Past 24 Hours Bandwidth Usage:
Navigate to the metrics and click ‘bandwidth’ option.
In this option you can see the overview of bandwidth. First it will show three graph as past 24 hours, month and year.
The Spikes shot shows in which time frame that bandwidth traffic has high or low and the graphs illustrate the data points HTTP, FTP, IMAP, POP3, and SMTP.
Http – Web traffic is the term used to describe the people who visit your website and interact with its content by requesting pages and images.
Ftp – File transfer protocol using ftp to transferring your file using local storage to the site
IMAP is used to retrieve messages, and SMTP is for sending data. IMAP works between the server and client for communication, and SMTP works between servers to transfer information.
Imap/Pop – Retrieve or receive emails from email account between server and client communication.
Smtp – Send mails to transfer information between servers.
3. Month and Day wise Bandwidth Usage:
On the same page, you can able to view each month total bandwidth usage.
Under the particular Month, click “Total – All Services” link to view a more detailed summary of the day-to-day bandwidth usage for the month.
Here, you can view the overall day-by-day data usage of the bandwidth.
To further check in deep, you can click any day showing blue color. It will show the hourly data usage with per minute usage of bytes.
More Resources about Bandwidth:
With this article, you know the steps how to checks the bandwidth consumption. It is important to check the bandwidth regular interval of time to avoid getting your site from stopping visitor to see your site.